Saturday, March 7, 2015

Math 4 Monday

St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner, and we've been working super hard on counting by ten from any number. I created this math center to offer student practice on that skill. Check it out!

 1. Cut out ten shamrocks of each color in the rainbow. I laminated them for durability. There is no need in making the center if you cannot save it for next year. **Tip - laminate the construction paper before you cut the shamrock to save time.** 

2. Write your number patterns on the shamrocks. Each color gets a different number pattern. This is what my set looks like at this point. 

3. You need a blank rainbow for the students to use as a recording sheet. I got one from a teacher resource book. You can find them in coloring books or clip art. 

4. Make a guide sheet to help your students know what order to put the colors in on their recording sheet. I laminated this as well. 

5. Make a copy of the blank rainbow for each student. 

Now, your center is complete and ready to use! 

While at the center the student will:

1. Put all the number pattern in order. 

2. Record the number patterns on the blank rainbow. 

This is what the finished product looks like...

This center is fun, engaging, and great skill practice. It has been a hit in my classroom. I hope it is in yours too! 

From my classroom to yours, 

Lola D 

Saturday, January 3, 2015


Kudos to Farley, at for hosting this link up! Looking forward to all the amazing things 2015 has in store ... Happy reading! 

Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Hello, I am Lola D, and welcome to Learning with Lola! I am very excited (and nervous) about beginning this new adventure in blogging! I hope this website offers me the opportunity to connect with teachers to share insight, ideas, and inspiration from one classroom to another...Happy reading!